Why are there so many Roof Rats in Virginia Beach?

The Roof Rat population in Hampton Roads, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach, Virginia have been a topic of conversation since a Facebook video of two large Roof Rats in the Hampton Roads Target went viral in early 2020. Neighborhood complaints about this relatively serious pest problem in the coastal Virginia area are not uncommon. Why are there so many Roof Rats in Virginia Beach and how can you get rid of them?
The Differences between Roof Rats and Brown Rats
If you’re fighting a rat infestation it’s important to know exactly what you’re up against. Roof rats look very similar to the brown rat in appearance but their behaviors are different. The Brown rat, also known as the Common rat or the Norway rat, grows to be about 11-19 inches long. They have coarse, greyish brown hair along their backs and pale grey on their bellies. Roof Rats, also known as Black rats or Ship Rats, grow to be about 13-19 inches long. Roof rats have slim bodies whereas Brown Rats have more robust, rounder bodies. Roof Rat feces are also longer and pointier than that of a Brown Rat. The most distinctive physical difference between the two is that Roof Rats’ tails are longer than their bodies.
Why are they called Roof Rats?
While Brown rats nest in underground burrows, Roof Rats are excellent climbers and tend to prefer to be up off of the ground. They like tree canopies, dense shrubs, and climbing vines. Roof rats are such good climbers because they have sticky pads on the bottoms of their feet. Their long tails also assists with balance when climbing high up off the ground. As their name suggests, they commonly nest in aerial locations such as in attics, ceilings, and rafters.
Roof Rat Habitat
Roof rats are almost always found in and around human dwellings. Most of the states in the US interior are free of Roof Rats aside from isolated infestations, probably stemming from infested cargo shipments, that can occur. They avoid time on the ground and in open fields. The Roof Rat is more at home in warm, coastal climates, which explains why they are abundant in the Virginia Beach area.
Roof Rat Behaviors
They generally begin searching for food shortly after sunset. Rats are omnivores and can feed on almost anything. They are especially attracted to dog and cat food. Breeding may occur all year, but summer and fall are the peak times. They can gain access to your home using trees, utility lines, and fences. Roof rats are nocturnal and scurrying sounds in the attic at night are often the first sign of a roof rat infestation in homes.
Treating Roof Rats in Virginia Beach with Summit
A few roof rats can quickly snowball into a full blown infestation. If you have seen rats around your property, there are some things you can do to prevent them from becoming an issue. Firstly you should ensure that all food is properly stored. You should also consider a routine, preventative rodent control program. Rats can fit through holes about 1/2 of an inch in diameter. If you have suspicions that you may have roof rats in your home, you need to schedule an inspection with a wildlife expert like the technicians at Summit. We also offer exclusion services to make sure that the rats stay out. Rats can cause damage to your home’s insulation, wooden supports, electrical wiring, (potential fire hazard) and create a toxic mess by defecating all over your home. That’s why it’s so important to prevent rats from entering your home in the first place. Prevention is the most effective method of control. At Summit Wildlife Removal, we understand the importance of keeping rats and other critters out of your home. If you need help with rat control, rat removal services, or other pest control situations, contact us at 757-901-4455 to schedule a free inspection.