What Type of Cockroach is in My Home?

Roaches are not something that you would want to have in your home, as roaches are known to contaminate food supplies and spread illnesses and bacteria. However, there are many different types of roaches, with various different sizes, shapes and colors. Identifying the type of roach you have can also help determine what treatment you need, as the various different species of roaches will live in different areas of your home and may require different treatments.
American Cockroach
American cockroaches are the largest species of cockroach in the United States, and they can grow anywhere from 1.5 to even 2 inches in length, with a reddish brown body and strong wings. American Cockroaches are also known for some yellow coloring behind the head, as well as a set of very long antennae. American Cockroaches, despite being bigger than German Cockroaches, can only lay half as many eggs at a time, coming in at 16 eggs where the German Cockroach can lay about 30-40 eggs at a time. Because of this, an American Cockroach infestation is slightly more manageable than a German Cockroach infestation. American Cockroaches are commonly found in places with heavy moisture that are not commonly around humans, like crawl spaces, basements, sewers, porches and even inside some storage units.
German Cockroach
German cockroaches are smaller than American cockroaches, measuring about half an inch long, with a light brown to tan colored body. German cockroaches do not have the strong wings that American cockroaches have, and instead have a slimmer body with shorter antennae. German cockroaches are able to breed faster than American cockroaches, laying 30-40 eggs at a time, with a gestation period of 28 days. This allows a German cockroach infestation to explode in population seemingly overnight, quickly spiraling out of control. This is why it’s so important to catch onto a German cockroach infestation early on, so it can be treated before the population grows. German cockroaches are typically spotted in areas closer to humans, as they prefer kitchens and bathrooms, oftentimes hanging out in the dark, moist area underneath appliances. Because of their activity near humans, German cockroaches are often the most spotted cockroach inside the home.
Water Bug/Oriental Cockroach
The third most common species of cockroach you might find in the home is the Oriental cockroach, which is also known as the water bug. Oriental cockroaches are visibly very different from the other two types of cockroaches, as instead of a brown-tan color, oriental cockroaches are a shiny black or dark brown color. Oriental cockroaches are about an inch long, and while the male Oriental cockroach does have wings, neither the male nor female is capable of flight. Oriental cockroaches are known as water bugs, because they are drawn to water, often found in the wettest areas of the home. While water bugs can survive without food for up to a month, they will perish in under two weeks without a source of water. Water bugs can be found outside in sewers, mulch, underneath stones, underneath firewood, underneath porches and inside garbage. When they enter the home, water bugs are typically gathered around a source of water, meaning you might find them near drains, floor drains, toilets, sinks, pipes, crawl spaces, and inside damp, dark basements. Oriental cockroaches will typically lay 16 eggs at a time, with a gestation period of around 60 days. These roaches are also known to communicate via scent they excrete, so a musty odor in the house might be a sign of an Oriental cockroach infestation.
Roach Control Services in Hampton, Newport News
The three main types of roaches are the large, reddish-brown American cockroach, the smaller, fast-breeding, light-brown German cockroach, and the shiny, black, water bug/Oriental cockroach. Roaches are naturally drawn to warm, moist areas, so homes in the Hampton Roads area are especially at risk for a cockroach infestation. Roaches are also drawn to sources of food on your property. Roaches will exploit cracks underneath your doors, in your windows, around your pipes, and pretty much anywhere else to get inside your home. Some methods of roach prevention include sealing off any potential entry points, keeping your kitchen free of crumbs or spills, and using dehumidifiers to lower the moisture level in your home.
If roaches have already invaded, then your best course of action is to contact a licensed pest control professional like Summit Pest Control for integrated pest management services. Summit Pest Control doesn’t just mindlessly spray everywhere for roaches, instead we provide comprehensive inspections to locate the source of the issue, applying bait and traps to the target areas to strategically eliminate the population while also providing preventative measures to keep the cockroach populations from returning. Contact us today for the best roach control in Hampton, Newport News and Norfolk today at 757-901-4455 or fill out a contact form.