There are 16 different bat species in Virginia, three of which are federally protected (Gray bats, Indiana bats and Virginia Big-Eared bats). In addition to these three federally protected bat species, there is a state endangered species called the Rafinesque’s Big-eared bat. If you get bats in your attic in Newport News, Norfolk or Virginia Beach, they are typically going to be Big Brown bats, Evening bats or Little Brown bats. These species are non-game protected species.
Bats emerge at dusk and are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active in the evening hours. They prefer to live in dark places like attics, chimneys, basements and even crawl spaces.
Bats are very small and only need a small opening to be able to get into your home. They can get into holes in the soffit or roof and before you know it, there will be an entire colony roosting in your attic space.
Bats are known for carrying and transmitting various viruses and diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis. The risk of disease transmission far outweighs the damage that bats can do to your home. While bats are not known for attacking people, they might bite and that poses the risk of the transmission of rabies. It is important to get bats removed by professional wildlife experts before they have the opportunity to transmit diseases.
There are some things you can do to prevent bat infestations in your attic or other parts of your home.
Since bats are federally protected there are special procedures for their removal. Bat removal is not something just anyone can take on. Bats cannot be trapped, harmed or killed. If you have bats in your attic or other parts of your home, it is important you contact a professional wildlife removal company like Summit Wildlife Removal to ensure the bats are removed appropriately, safely and legally.
At Summit Wildlife Removal, we offer something called a bat survey. Our bat survey is a thorough inspection where one of our wildlife technicians will determine what type of bats are present, approximately how many there are, where they are entering from, and what kind of work needs to be done to properly remove them from the property and what kind of clean up is necessary. The bat survey is a $125 fee. The actual cost for removal and repairs or clean up varies based on what the technician finds during the bat survey. Summit Wildlife Removal offers bat removal and bat colony removal, seal-out, small repairs, attic disinfection, guano removal, insulation removal, and replacement.
Summit Wildlife Removal offers animal removal services for:
In addition to our humane, live- trapping services, Summit can offer one-way exclusions, critter guard and animal barrier walls. We follow all necessary guidelines and laws concerning the trapping and removal of wildlife and are licensed and insured to do so.
If you need bat removal services in Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach or other parts of the Hampton Roads area, contact Summit Wildlife Removal at 757-901-4455. If you have domestic animal concerns or problems with sick or injured animals, you will need to contact your local animal control.
Do you have ants, spiders, rodents or mosquitoes? Contact Summit Pest Control at 757-901-4455 to schedule a free pest control estimate.