Inclement Weather and Pest Activity in Hampton Roads

Menu Home Wildlife Removal Animal in Attic Removal Bat Removal Bird Removal Pigeon Removal Sparrow Removal Woodpecker Removal Flying Squirrel Removal Fox Removal Groundhog Removal Mole Treatment Opossum Removal Raccoon Removal Skunk Removal Snake Removal Squirrel Removal Vole Removal Pest Control Ants Bed Bugs Fleas Mice Mosquitoes Pest Control Rats Roaches Silverfish Spiders Termite Control […]
What Animal is Burrowing On My Property?

Is that burrow in your yard from a groundhog, a rat, a mole, or a vole? Read this to find out!
What Pests and Wildlife Should I Worry About in the Fall in Virginia Beach?

As the seasons change, so do the pests and wildlife you have to worry about.
When Do Squirrels Have Babies in Virginia Beach?

As fall approaches, so does squirrel nesting season. But wait, wasn’t squirrel nesting season in early spring? That’s right, squirrels actually have TWO nesting seasons, one in the spring and one in the fall.
The Danger of Raccoons In Your Attic In Virginia Beach

Raccoons are very common in the Virginia Beach area, oftentimes being spotted knocking over trash cans, hanging out in alleys or otherwise causing mischief.