The Danger of Raccoons In Your Attic In Virginia Beach

Raccoons are very common in the Virginia Beach area, oftentimes being spotted knocking over trash cans, hanging out in alleys or otherwise causing mischief. The last place you want to see these raccoons is inside your house. While typically not bold enough to walk into your living room, these racoons have absolutely no trouble hanging out in the areas of your home not typically inhabited by humans: garages, crawl spaces, and most of all, attics.
Raccoons have powerful claws and teeth that they can use to rip and gnaw their way into your attic. Raccoons are so attracted to attics because they provide the ideal shelter from both predators and harsh weather, from the oppressive heat of summer to the frigid temperatures of winter. Your attic also isn’t safe during the milder temperatures of spring, as it’s during this time when raccoons will be having their babies inside your attic.
Raccoons in Attic Damage
Figuring out you have raccoons won’t be hard, as these critters tend to be destructive and noisy. If you are hearing stomping sounds coming from your attic, as well as scratching sounds, and seeing visible break-ins from the outside, as well as signs of your trash being tampered with, then you most likely have racoons. Raccoons can cause gnaw and claw holes into your siding or roof when they try to break into the attic. Once inside, these critters can ruin your attic and cause plenty of expensive damage. Beyond what they can do to the insulation, raccoons can scratch and gnaw the wooden beams and other support structures inside. Raccoons were designed to cause mischief, so anything inside your attic is fair game for them to scratch, gnaw, knock over, or otherwise destroy. The biggest problem with raccoons nesting in your attic is what they can do to your insulation.
Raccoons in Attic Insulation
One of the reasons why attics are so appealing for raccoons is because they are full of insulation. Insulation makes the perfect nesting material for these critters, so they will rip and tear it to shreds to make their nests. Raccoons living in your attic will also soil the insulation with urine and feces. Raccoon waste can spread diseases like raccoon roundworm and leptospirosis.
When raccoons damage the insulation like this, it is no longer usable and will require removement and replacement, as well as sanitization of the affected area. Summit Environmental Solutions offers all of these services, as well as raccoon removal, exclusion and preventative treatments.
Raccoon Nesting Season
Raccoon nesting season, also known as when they are looking for a nice, quiet, safe place to have and raise their babies, typically happens around April to June. You might be able to tell if you have raccoon babies in your attic if you can hear them making noise. Raccoon babies are vocal, and known to make high pitched noises like crying, squealing and chirping.
The main danger that comes with raccoon babies is the mother. Raccoons are extremely protective of their young, with a strong maternal instinct. If they feel as if their young are being threatened, they will not hesitate to attack, with their sharp claws and teeth. This is also why you should never attempt raccoon nest removal yourself. If the mother raccoon sees you attempting to remove its babies or otherwise separate her from her babies, she may charge. Raccoons are also very good at hiding their young and finding different crevices inside the attic to store their babies. You might think you have removed the whole litter, only to have accidentally left one inside. The mother raccoon will not give up trying to get her baby out, and will scratch, gnaw, and even rip shingles off the roof to get back in and retrieve her baby.
Never attempt to remove raccoons yourself, always contact your local wildlife professionals, Summit Environmental Solutions for raccoon removal in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Hampton Roads area.
What are the dangers of raccoons in my attic in Virginia Beach?
Some of the dangers of raccoons in your attic you may face include:
- Raccoons damage roof shingles, vents and wooden structures in the attic with their strong claws and teeth.
- Raccoons spread disease through urine and feces.
- Raccoons rip up and soil insulation, which require insulation removal and replacement as well as sanitization of the affected area.
- Mother raccoons can become very aggressive when they feel their babies are threatened.
Raccoon in Attic Removal in Virginia Beach
If you have raccoons living in your attic in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk or Hampton Roads area, contact the wildlife experts at Summit Environmental Solutions today. We offer safe, humane raccoon trapping and removal, as well as clean-up and any repairs or insulation removal and replacement that may be needed. Call us today for a FREE estimate at 757-901-4455 or fill out a contact form.