What Pests and Wildlife Should I Worry About in the Fall in Virginia Beach?

As the seasons change, so do the pests and wildlife you have to worry about. While the summer brings ticks, mosquitoes and stinging insects like wasps, the fall is the dawn of rodent season. Alongside the mice and rats, you’ll also have to worry about bats nesting in your attic. And don’t forget about insects, as the cooler temperatures of autumn mean you’ll have to be on the lookout for stink bugs and boxelder bugs.
Fall is Rodent Season in Virginia Beach
Fall is when animals and insects begin to gather food and look for a warm, safe place to settle down for winter. Your attic and crawl space makes your home the perfect spot for rodents to nest and feed. Rats and mice don’t hibernate and stay active during the winter, so they will often seek out warm homes with abundant sources of food that are safe from predators. The main types of rodent you might see in Virginia Beach are the Norway rat, the roof rat and the house mouse. All three types of these rodents are commensal, which means they rely on the food and shelter humans provide to survive.
Norway rats are large, brown rats that typically like to stay low to the ground, burrowing tunnels in yards near the foundation of your home or in gardens, as gardens can provide them with an easy source of food. Norway rats will eat just about anything, but they will gravitate towards grains, cereal, nuts, fruits, and meat. If you find a Norway rat in your house, it will most likely be in the lower areas like a basement or crawl space.
Roof rats are a bit smaller than Norway rats, with grayish black fur and a hairless tail that exceeds the length of their body. In contrast to the Norway rat, roof rats are known to nest in the higher up areas of your home, in attics and roof lines. Roof rats are better climbers, and will climb trees, fences and power lines to get into your attic. Similar to Norway rats, roof rats are omnivores that will eat fruit, pet food, nuts, seeds(especially birdseed), meat, and even pet feces. Roof rats are known to be more active in coastal areas, which makes your home in Virginia Beach a perfect place for them.
House mice are much smaller than both Norway rats and roof rats, and their fur can range from brown to gray to black. These mice will feed on dry, stored food like grains, cereal, pet food, chips, cookies and other stored snacks. House mice are known to drop urine and feces while they extensively forage throughout the night, which can spread diseases like salmonella and contaminate food supplies.
Some of the common risks associated with rodents in your house are the threat of chewing/gnawing on important structures. Rodents have teeth that never stop growing, so in order to keep them at a manageable length, they will gnaw on wooden beams and structures in your home, as well as the rubber covering around wires, which can expose the bare wiring and lead to a house fire.
What Insect Pests Are Active During Fall in Virginia Beach?
As the weather cools down, you will begin to see insects seeking shelter in your home in Virginia Beach. Homes provide a warm, safe place for insects to overwinter. Overwintering insects will find a warm place to hide out from the harsh conditions of winter, where they can conserve their energy by greatly reducing their activity. Two of the most reported insects that invade homes during the fall looking for a place to overwinter are stink bugs and boxelder bugs.
Stink Bugs
Stink bugs, also known as brown marmorated stink bugs, is an invasive insect that came to the United States in the late 1990’s, before spreading across the nation steadily throughout the 2000’s. Stink bugs are known for their distinctive shell-shaped bodies and mottled brown color, and they are named for the foul odor they give off when killed, moved or otherwise disturbed. Stink bugs are infamous for causing widespread crop damage, as they love to feed on fruits. Stink bugs will often enter your house in large numbers and congregate in the warmest areas. Worse yet, they are extremely hard to kill, as most topical pesticides do not work on them. While stink bugs do not bite or sting, and do not cause property damage like termites or carpenter bees, their smell makes them a very troublesome nuisance pest to have overwintering in your home.
Boxelder Bugs
Boxelder bugs, named for the tree they congregate on, is another common insect pest that you might find overwintering in your home. These oval-shaped bugs are black with reddish-orange markings. If you are seeing a black and orange bug in your home, it is almost certainly a boxelder bug. Similar to the stink bug, boxelder bugs also emit a strong, unpleasant odor when killed. The feces of these bugs can leave a reddish stain on fabric in your home including carpets, furniture, clothing and drapes. Boxelder bugs don’t sting, but they are capable of biting, and they can irritate your skin with their mouth parts. Boxelder bugs will congregate on the side of your house, looking for entry points so they can overwinter within your walls. Boxelder bugs are known to feed on the seeds of boxelder and maple trees, but they can also feed on some house plants.
Bats in the Attic during Fall in Virginia Beach
One of the most common wildlife that can be found breaking their way into attics in the fall is the bat. Bats are very active during the early fall as they search for insects to eat, and during the late fall, as winter approaches, they will begin looking for places to hibernate. A warm, dark attic will make a perfect winter home for these animals. However, you should not let a bat problem go undisturbed, as bats are one of the most hazardous wildlife to have in your home. Bats can carry rabies and parasites like fleas and mites, which can spread to humans and pets. Bat guano, aka bat droppings are highly toxic and contain the spores that cause the disease histoplasmosis, a fungal infection that can affect the respiratory system and cause flu-like symptoms. Bat guano is also highly corrosive, and in large piles, it can even collapse the ceiling below the attic in your home.
Who Should I Call For Wildlife and Pest Problems in Virginia Beach?
Don’t let the pests invade your home this fall. Fall is rodent season, which means rodents like the Norway rat, the roof rat, and the house mouse will be looking for food and shelter inside your home. Fall is also when insects like stink bugs and boxelder bugs will be looking for places to overwinter, and bats will be looking for places to hibernate. If you have noticed these pests or wildlife in your home, contact Summit Environmental Solutions today for a FREE estimate for pest control, rodent control and bat removal. Contact us today at 757-901-4455!